EP #98: Biosweep Suncoast with Jolyn & Shane Covelli

Good Neighbor Podcast with Biosweep

What Makes Biosweep Suncoast a Good Neighbor…

At BioSweep Suncoast, our business is restoring yours!

BioSweep is new to SW Florida, we opened in October 2019. We are a franchise partner of a 12-year-old company founded by scientists.

BioSweep offers two unique, new technology services. One is a process to permanently remove smoke and odors, the second is long-term surface decontamination.

The science behind our processes has become highly relevant because of the COVID-19 virus.

We know the anxiety everyone is facing to make sure we do the right things in order to re-open. We don’t make any claims about CV-19 yet, no one should be. Not enough time and testing has passed. However, we do eliminate pathogens in the Corona Spectrum family, as well as SARS, MRSA and others. Our BioSweep Base Treatment is a proprietary process utilizing UV Radiation while producing Hydrogen Peroxide Vapor, Hydroxyl Radicals and Oxyradical Plasma. This is the H2O2 technology used on N95 masks, but on steroids. This process eliminates all VOC’s, including viruses, bacteria and mold. This is the process we normally use for smoke and odor removal. However, we are now using it to decontaminate HVAC systems and indoor spaces. It far exceeds CDC guidelines.

We work with most major insurance companies to service clients with fire/water losses, trauma and other contamination issues.

Our second process is called Surface Defense. Surface Defense is a proven EPA, DOD and USDA certified long-term anti-microbial. It is organic/green, sustainable and cost-effective.

Our anti-microbial treatment will last up to 12 months!

Surface Defense bonds to the surface at 75X the force of gravity. As it cures, millions of anti-microbial “spikes” form. They’re positively charged atoms that rupture the cell walls of microbes, killing viruses, bacteria and fungi upon contact.

Normal cleaning and disinfecting are essential for every business. However, once it dries and that surface is touched, the contamination process starts all over again. Surface Defense is a long-term solution for wellness, prevention and peace of mind. We’re treating office buildings, restaurants, churches, apartment complexes, country clubs and more. We offer a combination of our two processes, or stand-alone, depending on our customers’ needs.

Technologies like this are usually reserved for tier-1 institutions, so we are blessed to be able to bring it to the public. We feel and obligation and responsibility to do so.

As a business owner of a new technology service, it’s hard to inform the public about something they can’t see or touch, but we know that new technology is vital today and for years to come. We’ve been trying to inform our community about BioSweep and what we have to offer, but running
into the usual firewalls and gatekeepers has been a challenge.

We’re here to help our business community get back to work with some sense of normalcy.

Please don’t hesitate to call or email us with any questions you may have.

Stay safe and well!

To learn more about Biosweep Suncoast, go to: www.biosweepsuncoast.com

Biosweep Suncoast
(239) 558-3110

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